Anonymous Tip Line

In an ongoing effort to promote a safe learning environment, the District will provide each of our families with a complimentary anonymous tip line magnet. This magnet is the product of collaboration between the District, the Canastota Police Department, our School Resource Officer and our Art Department. A former student, April Swanson, created the design.
The purpose of the tip line is to allow students the ability to share information anonymously regarding issues, which may put others’ safety in danger. Students can report information about drugs, weapons, alcohol, violence and bullying or any threat to safety. While this can be done anonymously, the more information a student gives (including ones name), the greater the ability the District has to do a complete investigation and resolve the situation quickly.
Please remember that this tip line DOES NOT replace 911 in cases of emergencies. It shouldn’t be used in emergency situations where immediate action is needed. The tip line is a non-emergency information-gathering tool used as another means to keep our schools safe.
Please display in a place easily accessible to your children. Phone calls will be taken during the day, while phone messages will be taken after 5:00 pm. Text messages can be sent anytime.